Managed Bond Portfolio2020-03-04T06:55:04-05:00

Mayberry Managed Bond Portfolio

Mayberry Investments Limited (MIL) offers managed US$ fixed-income portfolios for both institutions and individuals. The MMFIP is a full discretionary, no spread, and managed portfolio of a diversified group of bonds.

MMBP: A Suite of Fixed-Income Portfolios
There are three portfolios from which to choose:
All Jamaica,
Blue Chip and
High Grade.

Let us help you revive your personal finances.

The All Jamaica Portfolio is an equally weighted portfolio comprised of US$ denominated sovereign bonds issued by the Jamaican government (GOJ Eurobonds) with maturities ranging from 3 to 18 years (averaging about 10 years). The weighted yield-to-maturity (YTM) on the portfolio is approximately 9% per annum and the portfolio has a credit rating equal to that of Jamaica, which is rated at B1 by Moody’s and B by S&P (B1/B). The duration of the portfolio is targeted at less than 6.00 years.

The Blue Chip Portfolio is an equally weighted portfolio of US$ denominated sovereign bonds issued by governments of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is our flagship fixed-income portfolio, and is designed to strike a balance between YTM, credit rating and duration. In so doing it elegantly balances risk and reward. The YTM on this portfolio is approximately 8% per annum, with a credit rating of Ba2/BB (two and three notches above Jamaica, respectively). The duration of this portfolio is targeted at less than 5.50 years.

The High Grade Portfolio is an equally weighted portfolio of US$ denominated sovereign bonds issued by sovereignties with a credit rating higher than A-. It offers an attractive yield for the more conservative, risk averse investor. The YTM on this portfolio is approximately 4.5% per annum, with a credit rating of Aa3/AA- (ten and eleven notches above Jamaica, respectively). The duration of this portfolio is targeted at less than 8.00 years.

Who should consider a MMBP?

Persons who find it difficult to manage their fixed-income portfolios on a day to day basis should consider the MMFIP. Further, the MMFIP is for individuals and institutions who would like to pursue a medium to long term USD fixed-income strategy.

What are the benefits of a MMBP?

  • Clients own the bonds purchased on their behalf
  • Reduction of risk through diversification.
  • Coupon (interest) paid monthly and is credited to your account
  • No spread or load fees charged
  • Accounts can be financed with either current bond holdings or cash
  • Client statements are available at anytime
  • Account is actively managed
  • Lower investment management fees than similar type products.
  • More Frequent Income stream.

How is the MMBP different from a Fixed –Income Mutual Fund?

  • Significantly lower fees
  • Monthly cash flow from holdings
  • Ownership of bonds
  • More transparent management
  • Ability to use existing bond holdings to fund the MMBP rather than cash
  • Access to a personal account executive